Wednesday, February 16, 2011

More adventures in Urbs Aeterna

Wednesday, February 16

Although i haven't written anything within the past few days, several important (and not so important things) have been going on.  To back up a bit though, I'm living with a great group of guys and gals, all with their own personalities and quirks, adding to the melting pot that is the Bernardi house.  This has been great since I haven't had this kind of college community life before, and it is just awesome.  Whether it's Nolan, Peter, and John B. making us all pasta, all of us going out to Pastarito and having a Nepoletana pizza (with anchovies) with the group, or walking by the Trevi Fountain every day to class with everyone here, the community here is absolutely awesome!

Unfortunately, today was the first day of early classes--and it happened to rain, and mostly everyone was soaked to the bone.  Fortunately, Dr. Lev (I love her conservative, Catholic ideology, comparing Nancy Pelosi to sketchy folks of the Renaissance) woke everyone up.  Classes are going to be absolutely awesome--Dr. Lev, Fr. Murray, Fr. Giertych (the pope's personal theologian), and Dr. Coulter alone make this trip worthwhile, and I am (for perhaps the first time ever) looking forward whole-heartedly to classes this semester.  Also, we get to pick the clementines and blood oranges off the trees in the courtyard and gardens of the Angelicum (something the rent a cops at UST would yell at you for), and I am having a blast, as my history, Latin, and Catholic Studies majors collide in a place in which all three matter immensely.  Anyway, tonight was our first official community night, started off by Holy Hour and Mass, followed by a discussion on some pertinent topic and a house dinner; and I cannot say enough great things about the people I live with--I keep saying this, but it is going to be an awesome semester!

Until next time, keep on travelling. Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Greg,

    Your descriptions are fanstatic! Keep writing and I'll keep reading.


